Primátor Premium (PETAINER 20 l) View larger

Primator Premium (Petainer 20 l)

Medium-fermented beer with a full body, fine distinctive bitterness, high bite and pure hop aroma.

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The palate pleasure experienced by all senses leaves you waiting for the next sip. It is typical of all Bohemian-style beers that made the Czech 12° lager famous all over the world. The Primátor Premium is the pride of our brewer, who uses only the highest quality ingredients in its making. The diligent brewing process ends with prolonged maturation at 1 °C. The beer has a strong bite, sparkling golden colour and long-lasting white head. It leaves a feeling of slowly fading bitterness on the palate. It is suitable for all occasions, happy or woeful - simply anytime you want to really enjoy beer. It is perfect with grilled meat, salads, steaks and roast pork. Serve the beer thoroughly chilled in a tall glass. This prestigious beer stands for the unique art of brewing in Náchod.
Brand Primátor
Color Pale
Beer style Lager of the Pilsner type
Alcohol (%) 5%
Fermentation (°) 12.00°
Package type Keg
Volume (l) 20 l
Quantity (pcs) 1
Total weight (kg) 21.00 kg
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 180
Rate of alcohol 4.9% - 5.5% Strong
Dispense head A-type
Supplier Primátor, a. s.
Refundable deposit (€) € 0.00
Nomenclature code 22030010
ID # 799

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