Primátor Světlý (50 l sud) View larger

Primator Pale (50 l keg)

Medium-bodied beer with a hint of bitterness, medium bite, clean taste and hoppy aroma.

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This lightly fermented beer is ideal for hot summer days and evenings. A favourite drink for summer holidays, trips, social events as well as everyday life of the Czechs, this beer quenches thirst and replenishes fluids in the body. Low intensity of a deliciously bitter malt flavour is complemented by its medium body and distinctive refreshing bite. This beer is to be served in a thick glass jug with a wide neck and a handle, which maintains temperature and boosts the fine taste and pleasant flavour of the beer.
Brand Primátor
Color Pale
Beer style Lager of the Pilsner type
Alcohol (%) 4%
Fermentation (°) 10.00°
Package type Keg
Volume (l) 50 l
Quantity (pcs) 1
Total weight (kg) 63.00 kg
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 45
Rate of alcohol 3.1 % - 4.1 % Normal
Dispense head S-type
Supplier Primátor, a. s.
Refundable deposit (€) € 40.00
Nomenclature code 22030010
ID # 710

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