Budweiser Budvar B:Special Krausened Lager - special (50 l keg) View larger

Budweiser Budvar B:Special Krausened Lager (50 l keg)

The secret of B:SPECIAL, also called the Ring, consists in adding a new culture of brewing yeast to the beer shortly before racking.

More details

B:Special - Krausened Lager - The secret of B:SPECIAL, also called the Ring, consists in adding a new culture of brewing yeast to the beer shortly before racking. A further level of fermentation occurs in the barrels, adding even better bite to the beer. As the Ring requires special handling, it is available only in certain selected places in the world
Brand Budweiser Budvar
Color Pale
Beer style Lager of the Pilsner type
Alcohol (%) 5%
Fermentation (°) 12.00°
Package type Keg
Volume (l) 50 l
Quantity (pcs) 1
Total weight (kg) 63.00 kg
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Unpasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 30
Rate of alcohol 4.9% - 5.5% Strong
Dispense head S-type
Supplier Budějovický Budvar, n. p.
Refundable deposit (€) € 40.00
Nomenclature code 22030010
ID # 497