Escape Raspberry (12 x 0,33 bottled) View larger

Escape Raspberry (12 x 0.33 l bottled)

Mixed alcoholic drink with fruit flavour and low alcohol content

More details

Mixed alcoholic drink with fruit flavour and low alcohol content
Brand Litovel
Color Pale
Beer style Fruit beer
Alcohol (%) 2.5%
Fermentation (°) 7.00°
Package type Bottled
Volume (l) 0.33 l
Total weight (kg) 6.80 kg
Quantity (pcs) 12
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 150
Rate of alcohol 0% - 3% Soft and fruity
Supplier PMS, a. s.
Refundable deposit (€) € 0.00
Nomenclature code 22060039
ID # 293