Staropramen Cool Grapefruit (6 x 1,5 l PET) View larger

Staropramen Cool Grapefruit (6 x 1.5 l PET)

Refreshing mix of beer and grapefruit, with low alcohol content

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Refreshing mix of beer and grapefruit, with low alcohol content
Brand Staropramen
Color Pale
Beer style Fruit beer
Alcohol (%) 2%
Fermentation (°) 7.50°
Package type PET
Volume (l) 1.5 l
Total weight (kg) 9.40 kg
Quantity (pcs) 6
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 180
Rate of alcohol 0% - 3% Soft and fruity
Supplier Pivovary Staropramen, s. r. o.
Refundable deposit (€) € 0.00
Nomenclature code 22060039
ID # 148