Budweiser Budvar B:Original (30 l keg)

Traditional lager of golden colour with thick head, hoppy aroma and medium bitterness

More details

Our Czech Premium Lager is beer for pale beer lovers. The most gentle heads of the high quality Žatec hop, virgin clear natural water and granules of selected species of Moravian barley make it the beverage of real experts. The 700-year long tradition in production of České Budějovice beer and the unique, 90-day period of maturity increase its unique character. You can taste Budweiser Budvar Czech Premium Lager with all your senses. First of all you will delight your eyes with its beautiful colour and rich dense foam, then you will feel the fine aroma of the hops, in your palm you will stroke the dewy glass and, in the end, you will taste the fine to medium strong bitterness. You will remember well, our perfect lager.
Brand Budweiser Budvar
Color Pale
Beer style Lager of the Pilsner type
Alcohol (%) 5%
Fermentation (°) 11.90°
Package type Keg
Volume (l) 30 l
Quantity (pcs) 1
Total weight (kg) 40.20 kg
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 90
Rate of alcohol 4.9% - 5.5% Strong
Dispense head S-type
Supplier Budějovický Budvar, n. p.
Refundable deposit (€) € 40.00
Nomenclature code 22030010
ID # 121